Earthing is also known as grounding and is simply walking barefoot on the ground. It’s a therapeutic technique that involves not only walking but also any other activity that reconnects you with the Earth. It could also include sitting, lying or just touching the Earth. Camping, climbing, swimming in the lake or river, walking in…
To Eat or Not To Eat? – That is the question!
Fasting is a planned activity that consciously discontinues food intake for health or religious reasons. Fasting and starvation are totally separate and very different. Below I will help you to understand what fasting is. Regular fasting is one of the few most effective methods of cleansing the body. Every year our body ages and collects…
What depression REALLY is
What depression REALLY is? Definition of depression is deficiency in dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. These and other neurotransmitters should be synthesized by some gut bacteria species. If your microbiome is out of order; your body will not benefit from these neurotransmitters causing low mood, depression and anxiety. More than 90 percent of the body’s total…
Cheese is GOOD !
Raw cheese is simply cheese made of raw milk. Raw milk is a milk that comes straight from a cow, so there is no heat treatment conducted on the milk. There are lots of fear instilled in to us about the consumption of raw milk and raw cheese currently but we should remember that pasteurisation…
Coffee? or not to Coffee? That is the question!
I am a coffee lover. I don’t know about you guys but my day must start with a good cup of coffee. There was a time when I did try to fight it and that was when I started the GAPS introduction diet but my coffee habit was too strong for me to fight it….